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Mary Help of Christians College - Salesian Sisters, Inc.
Canlubang, Calamba City, Laguna | PAASCU Accredited Level III and ESC Certified
Forming Good Christians and Honest Citizens

If you are done with the admission process (registration, entrance exam and interview), you are qualified to proceed in the pre-enrollment process for Grade 11. Otherwise kindly go to to apply.
Login to your Schoolista Account (

Upon logging in, click Enroll to 1st Semester, SY2024-2025, then PROCEED.

Select Mode of Payment from the drop-down menu, assessment of fees would automatically be seen.

For students with reservation, Credit advance checkbox would be shown in the screen. Check the box for credit advance payments to automatically deduct the reservation fee on your assessment.

Click Verify and/or print your EAF to preview Enrollment Fees and view payment instructions.
In the assessment form preview, pay the enrollment fees through the link given in the form if you will pay via bank transfer. Upload the proof of payment in the link to complete your enrollment ( If you choose to pay onsite, settle the payment first to verify your pre-enrollment for the next school year.

Once verified, click Submit Enrollment.
The pre-enrollment will be completed if the payment is settled online (within 3-4 business days after transferring and sending the proof of payment in the given link) or onsite (upon payment at the Accounting Office).
Please note: Your enrollment status for the next school year will be FINALIZED once all the requirements and necessary information have been submitted and completed during the enrollment period for ALL LEVELS.
Mama Mary Welcomes You!
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