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A BATANG MARY HELP is a Servant – Leader who is:
  • Lives with interiority, honesty and moral integrity
  • A best friend of Jesus and a loving daughter / son of Mary
  • Humble and compassionate friend especially to the lowly and weak
  • To the joyful fulfillment of one’s daily duties at the right time and place
  • To a culture of excellence
  • To a modest, simple and essential lifestyle
  • Reflective and critical thinker
  • Creative, articulate, resourceful and technically-able
  • Defends human life, protects the environment and preserves our Filipino cultural heritage
  • Works for peace, justice and solidarity through joyful service
A Batang Mary Help is a faithful daughter/ son of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello. He/ She is a Servant-Leader who is imbued with a CHRISTIAN CONSCIENCE, COMPETENT, COMMITTED, and SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE.
He / She is:
A best friend of Jesus and a loving daughter / son of Mary
• Manifests deep joy of friendship with Jesus and Mary and rootedness in God‘s word
• conveys boundless trust in Jesus and Mary
• lives a life of interiority, compassion and moral integrity

Honest, sincere and able to stand for the truth
• Acknowledges that he/she is always in the presence of God and therefore upholds the Gospel values by a strong conviction of expressing a fair and straightforward conduct and a morally incorruptible character
Simple, modest and radiant in purity
• Manifests serene contentment to live a simple lifestyle;
• aware and understands his/her limitations thus acts appropriately
• refined in manner and clean in thoughts, words and deeds

Joyful, grateful and respectful
• Exhibits a positive and proactive disposition under all circumstances
• appreciative of the gifts and blessings received
• upholds oneself and others with dignity and consideration

Critical Thinker
• An advocate of sustaining a culture of excellence
• well-equipped with critical thinking skills and disposition
• capable of performing tasks called for by meaningful (authentic) learning experiences

An Effective Communicator
• Uses different models of communication to gather and disseminate information, express ideas, opinions and feelings; by so doing, develops a positive attitude and enhances interpersonal and intrapersonal skills
Technologically Competent
• Imbued with proper work ethics and a deep sense of commitment to become a productive citizen capable of contributing to the
development of the church and society
• exemplifies competence in computer technology, educommunication, scientific research work and technicalvocational literacy;
• operationalizes performance of tasks according to the highest
standards of excellence

Disciplined and personally responsible
• Practices the virtue of doing the right thing at the right time and place,
• does ordinary things extraordinarily well and only for the love of God;
• owns and accepts the consequences of actions and decisions made

Proud to be Filipino
• Exemplifies a deep sense of history and loyalty to the Filipino identity by taking part in actions that preserve and enrich the
Filipino cultural heritage and advocacies that promote the integrity of a Filipino who is patriotic and nationalistic

Guardian of the Environment
• Demonstrates sensitivity and accountability in responsible
stewardship, respect and care for Mother Earth

Works for peace, justice and solidarity through joyful service
• Demonstrates the ability to establish peace and harmony
• acts objectively towards others, upholding the principle of equality ( in dignity, rights and equal sharing of its fruits ) and taking part in actions that resolve all forms of exploitation, oppression , stereotyping and prejudices
• Unites interests and actions in order to help sustain cooperation, empathy and respect

Once a Batang Mary Help,

always a Batang Mary Help

anytime, anywhere!

Mary Help of Christians College 4028 Acacia St. Ceris I LEDC Subd., Brgy. Canlubang, Calamba City, Laguna | Copyright 2021 | All rights reserved.


Website Developer: Mr. Robson E. Tagle (MHCC Canlubang)
Website Co-Developer: Mr. Christian Dave D. Alberto (MHCC Canlubang)
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