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Mary Help of Christians College - Salesian Sisters, Inc.
Canlubang, Calamba City, Laguna | PAASCU Accredited Level III and ESC Certified
Forming Good Christians and Honest Citizens
Enrollment Guidelines and Schedules
The following are the schedules for the onsite and online enrollment and the schemes that we have employed.

For old students who are unable to enroll in June for various reasons, please ensure that you have paid your child’s reservation fee of Php500.00. Otherwise, your slot will be given automatically to the student applicants in the waiting list.
Furthermore, we are closing early the admission and enrollment to give ample time to the registrar and accounting offices to implement with precision the new school management system. Late enrollment may be accommodated depending on the availability of slots. They may be catered after the online simulation which might mean that they will already miss some online or onsite sessions.
Should you have urgent inquiries, kindly contact us through our designated communication channels.
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