Mary Help of Christians College - Salesian Sisters, Inc.
Canlubang, Calamba City, Laguna | PAASCU Accredited Level III and ESC Certified
Forming Good Christians and Honest Citizens
Enrollment at Mary Help of Christians College (MHCC) is done using the online registration system (SCHOOLISTA) which can be accessed through the MHCC Website (maryhelpcanlubang.com). Students or parents/guardians of the student need to complete their enrollment and uploading of proof of payment on or before the last day of enrolment via the school management system, SCHOOLISTA. Note that the assessment of fees is also done at the SCHOOLISTA, and payment of enrollment fees is required for enrollment. Otherwise, a promissory note should be applied.
Enrollment Guidelines:
Only students who are eligible to enrol are given by the registrar access to the Online Registration System (SCHOOLISTA).
The online registration of SCHOOLISTA is only accessible during the prescribed enrollment period; therefore, enrollment and payment of fees must be completed within this period.
All registration fees should be paid in full/partial during the prescribed enrollment period. For scholarship grants (financial assistance and academic) and discounts, refer to the Office of the Registrar or email them at mhccregistrar@maryhelpcanlubang.com.
Important Reminders before Enrolling:
For the qualified NEW student: After the admission process, email the Accounting Office for your login credentials for SCHOOLISTA, mhcctreasurer24@maryhelpcanlubang.com. When the Accounting Office replied, use the emailed credentials when logging in to the Student Portal (https://premium.schoolista.com/MHCC/Gate/MHCC.Login.aspx).
Refer to the picture below.
For old students: Input your student number as User ID and Password as your login credentials to the Student Portal. Click this link https://premium.schoolista.com/MHCC/Gate/MHCC.Login.aspx
If you encounter problems with your login credentials, kindly email mhcchelpdesk@maryhelpcanlubang.com ensure that you provide the Full Name, Grade Level and existing student number.
Enrollment Requirements
Original Copy of PSA Birth Certificate (required for NEW STUDENTS)
Original Copy of the current Report Card
For JHS and SHS, ESC Certification (if any)