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How to Enroll in MHCC School Management System (SHOOLISTA)

For Old Students and Accepted New Students

*Note: Past due accounts must be paid in full before a student must register for another school year*



Step 1:

Log in to the Student Portal using your login credentials (Default: Student Number as User ID and Password).


Step 2:

Fill out and checking of all the necessary details

  1. Personal Information. Edit the fields that need to be updated in the portal.

  2. Mode of Transportation. Declare if the student is to be fetched, taking the school accredited service or to commute during school days and fill out all the required fields.

  3. Medical History. Declare the medical condition of the student using the given information in the portal.


Step 3:

Breakdown of fees will appear. Choose the preferred mode of payment (Monthly, Quarterly, Annually). Then Click Save and Proceed once done.


Step 4:

After the breakdown of fees, supplies section will appear. The following are the included supplies in the page.

  1. Car Sticker. Order car sticker/s for the vehicles that will enter the school vicinity declared in Step 2. (Click here for the Car Sticker Guidelines and Requirements)

  2. Uniform. Order according to the size of the student will enroll. Skip this part if the size of the uniform is not sure.

  3. Books. There are required books that need to be ordered in the particular grade level.

  4. Others. Student Planner, Liturgy Guide, Revised MHCC Compass (2023 Student and Parents Handbook), Photocopied Handouts, Brown Envelope, and White Folder are required for the upcoming school year.


Click Save and Proceed once done.


Step 5:

Summary of Assessment of Fees will appear. In the assessment form preview(refer to the picture below), pay the enrollment fees through the link given in the form if you will pay via bank transfer. Upload the proof of payment in the link to complete your enrollment.

















Step 6:

Once all of the information is confirmed, click Submit Enrollment and wait for the confirmation of your payment through the Student Portal for not more than three working days.

Students who pay their fees using the online payment option and those on scholarship grants or discounts will be reflected automatically in the assessment of fees after the confirmation of enrollment.



Step 7:

Upon entering the school, get a number and enrollment process form (BROWN DOOR)


Step 8: 

Proceed to Uniform Stock Room (adjacent to Rm 105) for fitting and ordering of school uniform.


For New Students, proceed to Room 105 for ID Picture Taking.

Step 9:

Proceed to the Office of the Registrar to verify the information encoded in Student Portal and submission of Enrollment Requirements.


Step 10:

Proceed to the Accounting Office. Wait for the number to be called and pay the enrollment fees, books, uniforms and other supplies (If the fees are paid online, the accounting office will verify it upon enrollment). Then, booklist will be given after the payment and verification. 


Step 11:

After paying the school enrollment fees, proceed to the Uniform Stock Room to claim the ordered school uniform and Room 101 to claim the books. Present your official receipt during claiming.


For questions related to registration/enrollment, contact the Registration Section through:

Tel No: (049) 549 7209

Email: or

FB Page: @mhcccanlubang

Mary Help of Christians College 4028 Acacia St. Ceris I LEDC Subd., Brgy. Canlubang, Calamba City, Laguna | Copyright 2021 | All rights reserved.


Website Developer: Mr. Robson E. Tagle (MHCC Canlubang)
Website Co-Developer: Mr. Christian Dave D. Alberto (MHCC Canlubang)
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